Skip the Cleaner...

Skip the Cleaner...

To Dry Clean or Hand Wash, that is the question... 

Yes, we know... dry cleaning is a pain in the badunkadunk.  And while some things really should be dry cleaned, a lot of pieces say that so companies can cover THEIR badunkadunks.  At Garnish, we only say it if we REALLY mean it, otherwise we say, skip the dry cleaner as nearly everything we make you can either wash in the machine or hand wash, hang dry. Here are a few tips for caring for your delicates... 

Erica's method:  "I have a basket in my closet and all of my hand washes pieces get thrown in there (after wearing them several times). Then once a month or so I put them in my front loader on the hand wash cycle (a load for lights, a load for darks) and hang them to dry or lay flat to dry."  Also consider the following: 
  • Don't over wash your clothing, it's not good for your clothes or the environment. Plus, it takes time, a precious resource that most of us don't have in abundance!
  • Fabrics that might pill will be better served if you turn them inside out.
  • A garment bag is handy for garments with things like straps and more delicate pieces.
  • For knits made of a lot of fabric I sometimes will hang these pieces over 2 or even three hangers so it doesn't stretch out. (That is if you don't have room to lay it flat on a towel).
  • Don't dry things on wooden hangers as they can stain your clothing. Opt for plastic instead.
Garment care questions? Just ask!  And if you DO need to take something to the cleaner, just up the street is Pearl Dry Cleaner.  They are environmentally conscious and the owner has some serious spunk! 

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