Over the MLK weekend I snuck out of town on a little inspiration/R&D trip to San Diego.
It just so happened that I "ran into" my two best besties in the whole wide world.
The only thing better than seeing your besties is seeing them in Garnish.
The inspiration began with a run through Balboa Park, a must if you are in SD.
I was very much wishing that I wasn't just literally running through, but we had an agenda to keep.
So among the binge fish taco eating, surfing, and biking, we did did get a chance to check out the
Self Realization Fellowship Hermitage and Meditation Gardens in Encinitas. That fulfilled the
Inspiration quota and was just what these water-logged bones needed to think "Spring 2016".
To fulfill the R&D quota we rented townies and cruised south from Coronado, past the infamous
Hotel Coronado to try out this season's Jenee Top (coming soon). It passed the test with plenty of
room to spare.
Next year... I think I'll book a room for all of us.
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