Ode to Moms Everywhere


Moms are pretty special people. And being a mom is a pretty amazing experience. I feel super lucky to have both right now.  As if that is not enough, seeing my mom and my kids together is the best experience of all. The love between a parent and child is so incredible, but witnessing the bond between two of the people you love most in this world is beyond words. Even though my parents live 3,010 miles away (that's Vermont), that bond is as strong as you can imagine. One of the things, among a long list, that I appreciate and admire most about my mom is how full of love she is for her children and grandchildren. She will travel an entire day, on the red-eye flight, just to see us (and without a single complaint). There is nothing in the world that makes her happier. That is pretty special. So Mom, this Mother's Day I am sending you hugs from the West Coast. I am shouting from the rooftops that I appreciate and cherish you. And I am saying I LOVE YOU loud enough to hear 3,010 miles away. This week we invite you to tell us what you love most about your mom, or about being a mom. Go over to our Instagram feed (@garnishapparel), post a photo, tag us by clicking on the image and typing in @garnishapparel, and use the hashtag #garnishlovesmymom. Not on Instagram? (You should be.) Then tag us and use the hashtag on Facebook, mention us on Twitter, or comment below. We look forward to hearing from you and we will pick one entry at random to win a pair of earrings, a scarf, and everybody's favorite Coobie bra of your choosing!

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