In this week’s style match-ups we present to you a Garnish first… Shorts! Celeste is her name and she’s just in time for the lovely weather Portland has been bestowed this early into the season. In the colors Chocolat and Noir she pairs to any outfit you can think of. Though we have a few styling suggestions…

First off our lovely Francois Jacket pairs fearlessly with the Celeste in both offered colors. We present it to you with our Chocolat Celeste today. The Francois is the sister jacket to our most popular Bridget from our Fall line. Francois’ pattern this season brings a picnic-y Parisian flare, which is where she derives her color name “Parisian Bistro” from. She’s a solid fashion piece that compliments Celeste’s tones over-top any number of our Garnish tops.

With our Margo Top in Blanc, once more, both colors pair for an effortless outfit. The type you can throw a scarf over when those famous Portland clouds shade out the sun and threaten a dreary day. Since Margo is a semi-sheer fabric you can throw a complimenting or contrasting tank beneath her for a more or less bold look.

Last but not least, our Bonnie Sweater shines again above Celeste. Bonnie is so bold in both of her colors (Woodstock and Royalty) and also cut, that she requires just a tank beneath her for a complete outfit. Our Royalty blue Bonnie makes such an impression over our Noir Celeste, the dark hues compliment each other so well. The same can be said for Woodstock and Chocolat, the neutrals and earthy pigments really pair effortlessly.
For all we have to offer with our Celeste this Spring stop into the shop for more pairing advice for your #MixandMAX’ing this Spring.
Xoxo Dolls!
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