Introducing Lindsay...

Lindsay-Web Garnish is proud to introduce the newest member of our team, Lindsay.  With her experience in modeling, social media, and styling we can't believe what a great match we've found! Lindsay has had a love of fashion for years, but it was propelled forward by her modelling career which started when she was scouted at a mall at the age of fourteen.  Lindsay shares her passion for the industry with her father and they often bounce ideas off of each other. In her spare time she loves anything creative, from making jewelry to taking photos and keeping up to date on the latest trends and fashions. Being a native Portlander she has enjoyed watching the city flourish into the creative hub that it is today.  She brings a merchandising background with a hint of web design as well and loves seeing a creative endeavor through to the end. She learned basic HTML at the age of twelve and has since found it useful in the blossoming world of social media. She loves the new environment these platforms offer for creative ideas and being able to see and share what’s “trending.” Lindsay is so thrilled to be apart of the Garnish team and being able to help the women of Portland find their style locally!

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